Global Champions
Ensuring the world stays sustainable and fair for the future

In today’s interconnected world, global agencies are like the superheroes of sustainable development, climate action, and social equity.
They’re not just solving today’s problems— they’re setting us up for a brighter, more equitable future.

The United Nations: A Beacon of Hope
The UN is the ultimate team of global changemakers. Each agency within the UN system plays a crucial role in tackling the diverse challenges we face. Each of the UN agencies below contribute uniquely to the global effort to secure a better future for the next generations. Together, they tackle everything from poverty and health to climate change and human rights.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
UNDP is all about ending poverty, managing sustainable development, and promoting equality. Their focus on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provides a comprehensive blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for everyone. The UNDP’s work addresses the root causes of poverty and inequality, making sure progress reaches every corner of the globe.
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
UNICEF is dedicated to improving the lives of children worldwide. From boosting child health and nutrition to enhancing education and safety, UNICEF ensures a brighter future for the youngest among us. Their initiatives lay the foundation for healthy and educated future generations.
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
UNFPA focuses on reproductive health, adolescent pregnancy, and population dynamics. By enhancing the health and potential of youth globally, UNFPA prepares the next generation for future challenges and opportunities.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
UNEP tackles critical environmental issues like climate change and biodiversity loss. UNEP’s work ensures that our planet remains habitable for future generations.
The UN Youth Office
The UN Youth Office amplifies youth perspectives in UN policies. By promoting youth participation in global decision-making, the UN Youth Office empowers young voices and ensures their needs and aspirations are considered in international agendas.
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
UNECA focuses on economic and social development in African countries. By integrating sustainable development practices, UNECA ensures that economic growth in Africa is inclusive and benefits future generations across the continent.
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
OHCHR is dedicated to promoting and protecting human rights globally. Their efforts are crucial in creating a just and equitable society, laying the foundation for a more inclusive future.
The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
UNFCCC leads global efforts to combat climate change. By engaging nations in reducing emissions and adopting sustainable practices, the UNFCCC is at the heart of global climate action. The Youth Constituency (YOUNGO) ensures that children’s and youth’s voices are heard in climate negotiations, emphasizing intergenerational equity.

Special Advisors and Their Impact
Special advisors and representatives within the UN are equally significant. The Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology drives the use of technology for sustainable development, ensuring digital advances benefit all, especially the youth. The Special Adviser on Climate Action and Just Transition supports robust climate policies, helping mitigate climate change impacts on young populations.
The Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children (SRSG/VAC) champions initiatives to eliminate violence against children, fostering safe environments for their development. The Special Adviser on Africa promotes sustainable development and economic growth in African nations. The Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development integrates the right to development into global frameworks, promoting equitable growth and opportunities for future generations.
Voices Beyond the United Nations
Outside the UN, other global organizations and roles are shaping the future. The African Union Youth Envoy advocates for young people’s inclusion in policymaking across Africa. The African Union Chairperson facilitates policies that impact youth, particularly in education, technology, and sustainable development.
The African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council advises on social and cultural policies, shaping a prosperous future for Africa through civil society engagement. The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child advocates for children’s rights and welfare in Africa, promoting policies that safeguard their futures.
The EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education, and Youth oversees EU policies that nurture young talents and leaders. The World Bank Vice President for Sustainable Development coordinates efforts across sectors to address global sustainability challenges impacting future generations.
The OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour, and Social Affairs leads research and policy on employment, migration, and social welfare, crucial for the well-being of future workforces. The ASEAN Youth Organization facilitates youth engagement and development in Southeast Asia, enhancing their role in regional growth and sustainability.

The Case for a Global Champion for Future Generations
Given the lasting impact of today’s decisions, we need an UN Special Envoy for Future Generations.
This envoy would ensure that global policies consider intergenerational equity and promote sustainable governance. By raising awareness of the long-term consequences of present-day actions, the envoy would champion the needs of those yet to be born, ensuring their voices are heard in the highest corridors of power.
The envoy for future generations would play a critical role in global advocacy and advisory efforts. They would integrate foresight and the needs of future generations into decision-making processes across various international bodies. This role would promote future-focused perspectives and drive the development of strategies and policies that safeguard future generations’ interests.
Alongside a set of principles and an institutionalized voice, a dedicated global forum is needed to focus on protecting future generations within the international system.
It would provide a valuable platform for member states and stakeholders to enhance their capacities to advance the interests of future generations. It would also allow countries to share their progress, building a regular cycle of action, reporting, and learning that supports effective implementation.
This forum could also issue standalone UN statements or recommendations, particularly addressing cross-cutting issues and gaps in the current global system.