Our Future Agenda Quarterly
Designed to offer crisp, thought-provoking policy insights to readers, with more in-depth content for those wishing to delve deeper.
Our mission is to amplify the voices of the next generation, bridging the gap between youthful innovators and global policymaking.

Welcome to the third edition of the Our Future Agenda Digital Magazine. This month, we've been reflecting on September's milestone Summit of the Future – not just what we achieved, but what still faces us on the Road to 2100.
Read the latest in our Decoded series, which demystifies the Pact for the Future adopted at the Summit; get to know the AU Youth Office's Panel of the Future, built to give voice and shape the future of young Africa; and get the story behind our new animation, exploring two potential futures through the eyes of a young boy in Colombia.

Join the Final Pitstop of 2024
The Next Generation Agenda
As the G20 transitions from Brazil to South Africa, our final virtual pitstop event will highlight the urgent needs of young countries, emphasizing debt relief, climate resilience, and inclusive growth. It will showcase achievements, preview South Africa’s presidency goals and their alignment with the Pact for the Future, celebrate young people’s voices, and launch the “India in Future Tense” Dictionary.
To find out more and register, click the button below.