We're living in a time when our lives are deeply entwined with the digital world. But here's the catch – not everyone is surfing this digital wave equally.
This is especially true for young people and young countries, predominantly those in Africa, where access to a reliable internet connection and digital resources can be a hurdle.

Imagine a world where the digital space is more open, safe, and secure for everyone. Sounds like a dream, right?
Well, that's precisely what the Global Digital Compact aims for. This groundbreaking initiative proposed by the Secretary-General is about leveling the digital playing field.

Bridging the Digital Divide
The Global Digital Compact's mission is to connect to the internet the 2.7 billion people currently offline, making broadband and mobile devices affordable and reliable, and boosting digital learning and skills.
This is crucial to ensure that young people and emerging nations aren't left behind in the digital revolution.

Promoting Digital Public Goods & Services
The Compact also promotes digital public goods and services, creating an open, inclusive, secure, and interoperable digital public infrastructure.
It's like building digital public parks and libraries accessible to all.

Harnessing Data at Scale
In today's world, data is king.
The Compact aims to harness this data at scale, making it globally accessible to inform development plans.
This could pave the way for more informed decision-making and innovative solutions to global challenges.

Data Protection & Safe Design Approaches
The Compact emphasizes the importance of balancing the need for data collection with principles and standards that protect privacy.
It also encourages tech companies to invest in responsible development and risk management, ensuring that our digital spaces are safe.

Accountability & AI Governance
The Compact underscores the need for accountability for harmful acts online and maintaining the global nature of the internet.
As AI evolves rapidly, a global conversation is needed to ensure its use aligns with human rights and values.

So, why does this matter to young people?
Simply put, this is your future we're talking about!
The Global Digital Compact ensures that digital technologies serve all of humanity, not just a select few.
It's about empowering young people and young countries to shape the digital future. After all, the future starts now, and you're at the helm!

If you enjoyed our decoded version of the Our Common Agenda Policy Brief and want to delve into more detail on the recommendations for a global digital compact, you can immerse yourself in the full policy brief here.
To find out more about Our Common Agenda, click here.
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